Baggrund og Problem
EU regulation affected
Companies affected
All sectors covered by the Danish CO2 tax.
It is necessary to ensure a reduction in CO2 emissions if we are to achieve the Paris target and, at the same time, ensure the necessary funding for the green transition in the EU and globally. At the same time, it will help to ensure that Danish sectors covered by the CO2 tax in Denmark are placed on an equal footing in competition in the internal market and globally.
A global price signal would incentivize improvements in energy efficiency and introduce a glide path for e.g., alternative low-carbon fuel and energy sources.
Expected impact on the industry
The proposal aims to reduce CO2 emissions and, at the same time, ensure financing for the green transition in the rest of the EU/Global and will, at the same time, create a uniform competitive situation for the Danish sectors covered by the CO2 tax.
Economic consequences
If implemented, the proposal can contribute to ensuring the financing of the green transition outside Denmark's borders and, at the same time, create a uniform competitive situation for the Danish sectors covered by the CO2 tax.
Ongoing Danish action
Global action: EU (DG CLIMA) and Denmark (the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs and the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities) together with other EU flag states stand united in addressing that the reduction of greenhouse gas emission from global shipping should take place through the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
The transition to a more sustainable and green society requires solid financing - both public and private. It is necessary to secure this financing - not only in Denmark but also in Europe and globally. A CO2 emissions tax is an important instrument in this context. The Commission is encouraged, in the upcoming work program, to focus on encouraging all EU countries to introduce CO2 taxes, like Denmark has done, and to ensure that the EU works with the same aim in its global relations and agreements.
Regeringens svar
Regeringen tiltræder Regelforums anbefaling og vil arbejder for en ambitiøs global beskatning af CO2-udledninger.