Baggrund og Problem
The affected EU-Regulation
All relevant EU-proposals that will be put forward during the upcoming Commissions term.
The affected Danish regulation
All relevant Danish legislation that will implement EU-legislation adopted during the upcoming Commissions term.
Affected businesses
All Danish and European companies subject to EU legislation. According to Statistics Denmark there are around 300,000 Danish companies[1].
Reasoning behind the recommendation
The involvement of strong social partners is key to ensuring regulation that will make a difference once implemented.
Social partners represent workers and employers and therefore they have a unique insight into the functioning of the labour market.
Expected consequences for industry and commerce
Social dialogue, including information and consultation, is key in ensuring that new challenges and opportunities are handled successfully in companies.
Economic consequences
A well-functioning social dialogue at European level will underpin a well- functioning society to the benefit of people and companies.
Current Danish efforts
The Danish Social partners are already involved in European social dialogue through the European social partners.
[1] Statistics Denmark:
Strengthen the involvement of European Social Partners in the relevant legislative procedures.
Regeringens svar
Regeringen tiltræder EU-og Regelforums anbefaling og vil støtte op om at styrke inddragelse af Europæiske arbejdsmarkedets parter i relevant EU-regulering og lovgivning og styrke den sociale dialog. Det er for den danske regering en prioritet at støtte og styrke den sociale dialog i EU, som leder til bedre EU-lovgivning til gavn for både arbejdstagere og arbejdsgivere.